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What the Best Places To Find Reviews on Comics are Saying About Geiger

What the Best Places To Find Reviews on Comics are Saying About Geiger

Heavyweights in the comic industry have teamed up to produce this phenomenal comic. It’s filled with nuclear wastelands and the human battle for survival. There are rogues and danger on every page. Plus, a man that everyone fears. Released in April 2021, a lot of people have formed diverse opinions on it. Here are what some of the top comic review websites are saying about this work.

But Why Tho?

But Why Tho? is the only place to give Geiger a perfect rating. According to this site, it delivers everything you could want in a comic. It’s got momentum, suspense, setting, plot, terror, and tragedy that the creative team effectively gets across in a nuclear environment. While they note that this comic could be short, they are enthusiastic about it.

Forces of Geek

Forces of Geek chooses to look at the story and the art and cannot say enough good things. They are also enthusiastic about seeing where the series goes and believe it shows potential.

Multiversity Comics

Multiversity Comics chooses to focus on the story, analyzing the plot, characters, and settings. This site notes that everything in this comic fits into place and makes sense. In sum, they say that the story is excellent and worth the read.

The Brazen Bull

Likewise, The Brazen Bull looks at the story and notes that it is clever. Even though the idea of a nuclear wasteland is slightly recycled, the way the creators fill it with action and sentiment leaves it fresh and exciting.

Lyles Movie Files

Lyles Movie Files notes that this was a strong debut for Geoff Johns, creating his first creator-owned comic with Gary Frank. The writer on this site explains that the world they make in this work is engaging and has excellent potential for future editions.

Geek Dad

While it is better than A Burning Hate, Geek Dad claims that this comic is not perfect. The biggest drawback this site lists is that Johns doesn’t have experience with world-building. However, it concedes that this is a great first attempt at a creator-owned comic, and there is a lot of promise for the story to continue.

Comic Crusaders

The Comic Crusaders were more than pleased to report that Johns and Frank packed this story with action. But, at the same time, it leaves room for the main character to be a family man.


Nerdly compliments Johns on his ability to recycle ideas since there are only so many storylines that can take place in the world. However, this site complains about how the story leans heavily on others. Johns and Frank derive nuclear ideas from other places. After all, we’ve all heard stories about the rogues that will take over after the atomic war. The reuse of stories is obvious. However, the site also notes that it still gives readers something fresh.

After looking at these sites, it is clear that this comic has some pros and cons. That said, these sites can all agree that this work is worth reading and will not disappoint you.

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